"Once you go Green and Black, you can never go back!" I once heard someone say, and I have to say I think it's true! I fell in love with Green & Black Chocolate about two years ago, and it made me an unintentional chocolate snob. Since then it's hard to find something simple off the shelf that measures up. How do you know you are a chocolate snob? I heard an interview with a chocolate expert on NPR one day, and the interviewer simply asked her "So, what is YOUR favorite chocolate?" To which she replied, "To eat, or to cook with?" I've noticed I've starting creeping in that direction and have clear favorites now.
To eat? As I said Green & Black is a must. Also Dagoba makes several excellent bars (I prefer the Dark versions in both.) The reason I'm posting about this though, is that I have learned that they make Green & Black right here in CO. They don't do tours *sniff* but I am on their mailing list, and they just posted the results of their recent Chocolate Recipe contest. The challenge was to come up with a recipe that uses only 5 ingredients, and uses Green & Black chocolate. Click here to see the yummy results (scroll down the page to view all 5)!
Here is a quick bio of the company from candyaddict.com "It turns out that Green & Black’s originated in the UK in 1991, and features a broad range of organic chocolate bars, baking chocolate, hot chocolate drinks and gift boxes. Green & Black’s is a high quality brand of chocolate dedicated to the principles of organic, fair trade and sustainability of the environment. It’s organic and it’s produced from cocoa beans that were purchased directly from the Maya Indian farmers in Belize at a fair price. "
It's chocolate you can feel good about eating!
No link love for Candy Addict? :(
oh, I fixed it!! :)
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