If you have an ice cream maker, then you are on to something good. IF that is, you use it. Do you use it? If not, you should. At least once every two months or something, just so you don't forget what truly amazing freshly made ice cream tastes like. I find this is actually better for the waistline (just as I have forever been ruined to eat any other criossant or pastry than those that come from the French Bakery) because I don't eat ice cream hardly ever now. Even if we are out and people are eating it, oh I am strong. I am so strong. I do not eat it, because I KNOW it is inferior.
If you don't have an ice cream maker, just keep an eye out for one on Craigslist like I did. You can usually find someone cleaning out their cupboards, ready to part with one for about $35. Or, send an email out to all your friends, and see if anyone has one they got as a wedding gift X many years ago, and it's collecting dust. They might be happy to pass it on. Reduce Reuse Recycle! :)
I was blessed to get mine free on Craiglist, and I'm sure I posted about this amazing day earlier at some point. Someone tried to sell their $200 6 quart awesome wood ice cream maker at their garage sale with no takers, and gave it to me free afterwards. sweet!
I have found what has become my favorite Homemade Vanilla Bean Ice Cream recipe. It's amazing. Truly, it's amazing. And not just because I like to read through the writer's directions and laugh my butt off. You have to appreciate someone who would quote Paradise Lost when beginning to blog about Ice Cream! Don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself. I'm hoping to make some this week with the kiddos, to celebrate the beginning of Spring.
If you don't have an ice cream maker, just keep an eye out for one on Craigslist like I did. You can usually find someone cleaning out their cupboards, ready to part with one for about $35. Or, send an email out to all your friends, and see if anyone has one they got as a wedding gift X many years ago, and it's collecting dust. They might be happy to pass it on. Reduce Reuse Recycle! :)
I was blessed to get mine free on Craiglist, and I'm sure I posted about this amazing day earlier at some point. Someone tried to sell their $200 6 quart awesome wood ice cream maker at their garage sale with no takers, and gave it to me free afterwards. sweet!
I have found what has become my favorite Homemade Vanilla Bean Ice Cream recipe. It's amazing. Truly, it's amazing. And not just because I like to read through the writer's directions and laugh my butt off. You have to appreciate someone who would quote Paradise Lost when beginning to blog about Ice Cream! Don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself. I'm hoping to make some this week with the kiddos, to celebrate the beginning of Spring.
After making this again, I was reminded of something....and that is that the cost of making this recipe is largely affected by how much you can find a vanilla bean for. They had them at Safeway here for $ 13.99 for one bean. I was able to find them at a store we have here called The Vitamin Cottage TWO beans for $3.50. Wow - what a big difference! SO keep that in mind, it made this recipe much cheaper! We enjoyed ours yesterday, it was wonderful! I would say it makes about 1 Quart, and serves about 6 people generously.
Hi, I was just looking at your wonderful vanilla bean ice cream recipe and unable to open it.. do you know if there is something I should be doing, other then clicking on the link? thanks now Cecilia
I don't know, when I click on it, it works for me. This is the direct link...
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