I haven't had much to write about this last week. I caught a cold that has put me out for a couple of days....well, slowed me down at least. You never really get to check out completely when you are a mom.
Also we are SO excited to leave this Wednesday AM for our annual trip back to where my husband and I grew up - Minnesota, and South Dakota. I am so excited to see all of our family and friends, and enjoy catching up and relaxing a bit.
Since this is sort of a food blog, and I don't have anything to add right now (we are at that "clean out the fridge" stage where we are eating very odd meals, such as bean burritoes, squash, and grapes or something like that, that in other circumstance would seem disgusting, but somehow is okay when you are on your way out of town) I can only think to add links to places we will be at when there.
Morgan Creek Vineyards
My wonderful SIL and BIL are getting a sitter while we are with them and taking us to a Vineyard, complete with wood fire pizzas, and live jazz music. Who knew there was a fabulous vineyard in the middle of Minnesota? This would have been inconceivable when I was growing up there, but times change (in this case for the better!) and I can't wait to check it out. I'm mostly excited about the company, and the atmosphere is such an added bonus. Should be fun.
Richard's Restaurant and Pub
Secondly, there is a new restaurant in St. Peter, MN that I first found out about from a neighbor of a friend I grew up with (small town, made smaller when you get back in touch people on Facebook), and wrote my friends there about it, and they went and checked it out. They gave it two thumbs up and said I would love it. So my friend Julie and I are hoping to steal away for lunch to this new place that is getting some buzz.
Enjoy the rest of your October!
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