My daughter Analise, is so precious. She and I have a very special relationship, and I could never imagine life without her. She has been my sidekick these past 3 years (or more, if you count womb time:) and just a sweetheart in every way.
I have come to believe however, that some other little toddler whispered something to her at a park, or she overheard some adult conversation regarding the infamous "terrible two's". THEN apparently all this talk lately of her turning 3 on December 31 has put her into a panic. HOW is she suppose to cram a years worth of terrible two's into ONE MONTH! We'll apparently, she is leaving the second year of her life with a bang. Barely letting me finish a sentence before she says "no", and pointing her little finger at me and saying "That's enough, mama." in her sternest voice when she thinks I've gone too far. Ha!!
This was driving me crazy the other day at Whole Foods when I was trying to get groceries with her, and she was so contrary it was actually quite amusing. So, as we do in the Colwill house, I began to sign about it, and it made us both laugh the rest of the way through the store, and out to the car. I wish I could remember all the words, but basically I was making up new lyrics to the "Joy To The World" song.
NO to the world!!!
I don't want that!
No wait! I want that back!!!!
No No No No No Noooooo
No No No No No Noooooo
No No No No Nooo No
No No No No Nooo No
Nooooo No Noooo No
No No No NO!
and it went on to have other verses. :)
Have a great weekend!
We're off to Rob's company Christmas party tonight.....
How great that you could find amusement on her contraryness, and then take steps to get her laughing, instead of getting yourself all grumbly. That's a Woohoo mommy moment!
Oh man...I remember those times! It must be something in the genes, I also thought I was going to be lucky and miss the terrible twos. But right before 3 came...WHAM! Laughing is a good way to handle it. I noticed if I stressed out, she would stress out more. Enjoy your holiday parties! Melissa
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