We just got back late last night from a trip camping outside of Kansas City with the Colwill side of the family. I got to squeeze all my nieces and nephews and catch up with all of my wonderful in-laws. It was sweaty, hot, and there were bug bites on most of us when it was over - but we had a blast! The only sad thing is that we forgot our camera at home when we left down at the early hour of 3:00am (you can't blame us, there was no caffiene of any kind to be found in the house) so I have no pictures to post. :( Hopefully I'll get some from the others soon.
So I got a new toy in the mail before I left, that I have been having fun with - it's called a Spiral Slicer, or I've heard them called Spiralizers. I first saw one in MN when a friend used them to make pretty spiraled carrots on a salad, and came across them again in Natalia Rose's book The Raw Food Detox Diet. When I then again saw one used in a Raw Food group on Facebook on Zucchini, I was just too curious, I had to try one. I found on for $20 online. I've seen them for as much as $35 so I thought this was a good deal. I bought a bunch of zucchini at the Farmer's Market, and the kids and I had so much fun, we had to stop ourselves from spiraling more than we could eat!
Somehow they didn't connect at first that "Spaghetti" that night was the same thing they were helping me make earlier. I think this made them just dig in and not think about it, and they ended up liking it. It was so good! You put a zucchini in, and crank the top around, and the bottom fills up with beautiful strands that look just like cooked spaghetti. You do not cook the zuchinni after this, as surprising as that may sound. Just gently warm your favorite pasta sauce, and serve it over the top. I recommend then adding some shredded cheese. We like raw cheddar style goat cheese. YUM! It actually has been a really great hot-summer-day dish, as it's really cool and refreshing, and you aren't standing over a stove boiling water. It took about 30 seconds to spiral the zucchini. A snap!
I don't know what else I can do with this thing, but I'm excited to find out. I did read one recipe where they put coconut in it, and made strands, and used them in a Thai dish instead of noodles. It sounds really good and refreshing to me, but I still need to work up the nerve to hack at a coconut. The thing is, I just really like my left hand......
Awesome Fun! Way cool. I had read about them but never investigated oddly enough. Does it make curly-q veggies? So you can add fun veggies to each meal? Or is it more work than expected?
Also, all your highlighted links -- how did you do that? Is that the "link" icon at work? Are you an Amazon or Ebay affiliate so you are getting profit from your links? Do tell.
Hi, Snoflake.
I'm collecting email addresses per Amber for an Evite to MileHigh Mamas Night Out. If you'd like to be included, visit my site and send me your email.
It does also make curly-q veggies like this:
It is way less work than I expected actually. It's just three pieces, and you just open the top, stick the zucchini in, and twirl. I don't think it's a necessity, but it makes veggies fun and new again, if you are eating as much veggies as we do!
To highlight a link, first highlight the word that you want to make into a link. Then, click on the Link icon above the text box (by where you can make things Bold etc) then it will open a box that let's you type in/paste the website. I get no profit from my links.
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