It has been awhile since I have posted about food or otherwise, so I thought I would try to write today. My heart has been heavy the past few weeks, and then my kiddos and I caught a cold (which never happens, but I was traveling and run down and think that's what happened).

I had a great girls weekend away! My friends Iesha, Christina, Amy, and for one night Christine joined me in getting a break from the daily mom duties, and doing what we love - sleeping in, trying new restaurants, sitting in a hot tub, some shopping, and yes even hula-hooping. :) We stayed in the beautiful town of Breckenridge for one night. The end of the day Sunday we got pedicures at the Woodhouse Day Spa in Denver. It was such a fantastic weekend and I hope it is not too long before we get to do it again. :)

I realized I hadn't posted about my ice cream maker. About the same time I got the spiral slicer, I also decided to go on a hunt for an ice cream maker. I had checked out the book "Vice Cream" from the library, and was so excited to make some raw, dairy-free ice cream, and then realized you HAVE to have an ice cream maker to really do it. SO I started researching them, and had what I would really like in mind ($200 White Mountain 6 Quart machine) and then decided to hunt on craigslist. I have always
had a good

experience using Craigslist for these things, and tried to be patient during the usual days of calls, and machines that were already sold, etc. Finally I came across *gasp* the actual machine I wanted, in an after-garage sale for $30. I called her and said I would take it, as long as it still works. She thought for a moment, and realized she hadn't plugged it in for two years, and wasn't sure. I said that I would still take it, as she lived nearby, and I'd just let her know if I had any problems. So when I showed up at her door, she insisted I take it for free! She said she would feel bad if it didn't work, and that way she could just not worry about it. She wouldn't give in, and I practically ran back out to my van. The kids were squealing with excitement when they saw what I came out with! :)
We went to Kinkos and copied off our favorite recipes (and I admit, all the ones that mostly didn't use coconut water, as I still have not been able to brave cutting open one on my own (I like my fingers too much)). We bought the stuff to make our first Vice Cream, AND...........
It was wonderful!!! We made Hazelnut Cherry Ice Cream, which was just Hazelnut milk, fresh chopped cherries, and dates. You put the milk, half the cherries, and the dates in the blender. Then you just set the blender pitcher in the freezer for a while. Then you stir in the rest of the chopped cherries, and let the ice cream maker handle the rest. 20 minutes later we had 4 quarts (I made a smaller batch) of healthy ice cream! Next on my list is to try Vanilla Bean, and I picked 2 beans up when I got groceries. yum!
Congrats on scoring an ice cream maker!! Whooo-hoo! (I'm doing the dance of joy with you!) I'm sure the Vice cream was a real hit! I never was good at hoola hooping... or flag football or dance or anything that required balance and movement. You ladies rock! It must have been tons of fun.
Sorry I missed you when you were home. Hopefully the hubbie is passing on messages to you. We'll catch up soon.
Oooh! Oooh! I went to a raw food meet up last nite and someone brought Vice Cream! Chocolate with almonds. It was awesome. Thought of you.
Check out HiHoRosie's latest post on protien. You two ladies, you dedicated raw foodie folks, well if I may be poetic are the wings beneath my wings. I do great things because I am allowed to stand on the shoulders of others. Thank you. Oh & BIG news is coming...
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