Monday, November 23, 2009

Planning a Thanksgiving Feast

It's that time of year again, and some of you other foodies might be doing the same thing I am......planning out a week of cooking. Some of you might not know where to start. All I can say is - just go for it. It's like anything else, you learn a little each year, and get better every time. Those grandmas who don't have to look at recipes anymore, and have system that works like clockwork, didn't come by that easily. There's a reason we associate that with our 70 year old gradnmas. When they were my age, they burned turkeys, left guests waiting for food 2 hours too long, and learned from their mistakes. That's where I'm at. This year it is just my family of 5 and we plan to eat in our pajamas. :) That gives me the freedom to make mistakes, as my family is very forgiving. It also gives me the opportunity to cook as if I have guests coming.....and learn from my mistakes.

Last year we had some wonderful friends to visit, and the meal was fabulous. I also had 4 extra hands to help me and I know it wouldn't have worked out so smoothly had I been by myself. So I'm going to go for it this year. Not as big of a spread, because 2 adults and 3 kids can only eat so much, even in leftovers, but I'm going to give it my all. Below is my plan of attack, and in the days to come you'll find recipes on here to follow. I'd love to hear about your plans in the comments too! Are you going somewhere? Are you the hostess? What are you making this year?

Harvest Turkey Pot Pies
Curly Kale with Carmelized Onions
Honey-Pecan and Pecorino Salad
Duchess Potatoes
Sesame Twists
Pumpkin Pie with homemade Whipped Cream

This is what I'll be working on each day....always depends on the kids what I actually get done. Sometimes things get bumped to the next day, sometimes if it's a good day I attack some parts early, even if it's just getting some chopping and prep done. the Whole Wheat Pie crust, pie, and whipped cream is something that I definitely might make on any given day.

Grab your aprons......

Grocery shopping!

Cook turkey
Whole Wheat Pie Crust and Pie

Curly Kale with Carmelized Onions
Prepare Honey-Pecans and Honey Mustard Vinaigerette for Salad


Turkey and vegetarian pie filling

Duchess Potatoes
Prepare dough for Sesame Twists

The Big Day
Run The Turkey Day 5K with my 7 year old son :)
Bake Sesame Twists
Assemble Salad
Reheat Kale
Assemble Pot pies, top with crusts and bake
Make whipped cream

and we're off!! :) See you tomorrow with some recipes. Have a fun week everybody!

1 comment:

Carly said...

Wow, you're so dang fancy! I wish I were a kid in your house. I am SO not a chef, but I still love reading your posts! I'm going for the turkey and everything this year, but the ingredients of some of my dishes are definitely going to be out of boxes and cans. ;)

My most fancy dish will be mashed potatoes from scratch, because they're pretty hard to screw up! Have a fabulous Thanksgiving with your sweet family!